Power transmission and distribution (SF6)

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SF6 Gas Handling Equipment, Pressure Gauges, and Sensors

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is the insulator of choice for a variety of applications. Its electrical and thermal properties make it ideal for use in gas-insulated switchgear, breakers, and gas-insulated lines found in the transmission and distribution (T&D) industry. SF6 is also commonly used in radiological instruments, particle accelerators, radar systems, and equipment for semiconductor production.

The importance of monitoring SF6 leaks and emissions

Although sulfur hexafluoride is nontoxic and nonflammable, escaped gas in enclosed rooms displaces oxygen in the air and could lead to asphyxiation. SF6 is also a potent greenhouse gas – 23,900 times more effective than carbon dioxide at trapping infrared radiation in the atmosphere.

In addition, T&D plant safety depends on the purity of SF6 gas. Under normal conditions during an electrical discharge, the six fluorine atoms split from the sulfur atom to capture electrons; after quenching the arc, the molecule quickly recombines. However, even the smallest leak means moisture will find its way into the equipment and contaminate the gas. This is a serious problem for three reasons:

1. Water molecules prevent SF6 from recombining fully after an electrical arc, which means there’s less and less of the insulating gas.

2. Uncombined sulfur and fluorine molecules then bond with water’s oxygen and hydrogen molecules, resulting in harmful decomposition products.

3. These decomposition products corrode metal, leading to equipment damage, more leaks, and serious safety hazards.

Industrial SF6 gas density equipment and services

To detect even the smallest leaks and to warn of escaping gas, WIKA has designed a range of high-quality SF6 gas sensors, detectors, pressure gauges, analyzers, and emission monitors. Our self-sealing valves and permanently gas-tight connections ensure that the gas remains safely in its designated containers.

WIKA Canada’s complete portfolio of SF6 products include:

Over 2 million WIKA gas density monitoring instruments are in use worldwide. This high number attests to customers’ satisfaction with our products, which are manufactured and thoroughly tested to the 5-Sigma quality level. Our SF6 gas sensors and pressure gauges are hermetically sealed and temperature-compensated to ensure reliable measuring results, even under the harshest operating conditions.

We are a global leader for portable, user-friendly SF6 gas handling units, including:

  • GAD-2000, an innovative gas dehydrator that removes moisture from SF6 without having to take any T&D machinery offline.

Personnel and environmental safety are paramount issues at WIKA. We are the world’s only provider of SF6 handling equipment with safety controls in accordance with SIL 2 (Safety Integrity Level 2) and PL d, which means it is virtually impossible for technicians to make errors that would result in fugitive SF6 emissions.

Through our WEgrid Services, we offer consulting, installation, calibration, maintenance, repairs, analysis, and training and other services throughout the SF6 gas lifecycle. For extra peace of mind, discover WEgrid Asset Protection, an intelligent SF6 gas monitoring system that our specialists design and customize for your plant.

Contact WIKA at info.ca@wika.com and tell us about your situation. We will then work with you to customize the right SF6 solution for your application – all from a single source.

Additional SF6 Services

Service operations can keep your power plant or manufacturing facility running more safely and efficiently. To optimize applications that use SF6, WIKA offers the following services:

WIKA’s certified experts in SF6 lifecycle management have extensive lab and field experience. They can guide you on the latest regulations and best practices, and update you on current trends and developments in SF6 gas handling. For additional flexibility, most services and product training can be conducted at either WIKA’s facilities or at your location. To find out more, email us at SF6-sales@wika.com

WEgrid Solutions
Segment brochure

Innovative SF6 solutions

Calibration services

Entrust the calibration and maintenance of your measuring instruments to a competent partner.
